Nga tupou
E ako ana matou kite korero enei o nga tupou …..
- ahau,koe,ia
- Maua,taua,raua,kaurua
- Matau, ratau,kautau, tatou
Ko te kupu ahau
- Ko Tuishaly ahau
I am Tuishaly
2.E haere ana ahau ki te kura
I am going to school
3.E haere ana ahau kite taone
I am going to town
4. E haere ana ahau kite karaki
I am going to church(prayears
5. E haere ana ahau ki te whare o kura
I am going to kura house
Ko te kupu(koe)
1.ko koe te pepi
You are the baby
2. Ko koe te mama
You are the mum
3. Ko koe te kaiako
You are the teacher
4. Ko koe te tumoaki
You are the principal
Ko te kupu(ia)
- E mate puku ia
Him or her are sick
2. E panui pukapuka ia
Him or her is reding book’s
3. E oma ana ia
Him or her is runing
Kote kupu(maua)
- E haere ana maua ko kohatu ki te marae
Me and kohatu are going to the marae
2. E takaro ana ahau me kura
Me and kura are playing
3.E oma ana maua ko kohatu
Me and kohatu are runing
Ko te kupu(taua)
1.Me haere tauta ki te kura
Me and you need to go to school
2.Me haere taua ki te marae
Me and you need to go to the marae mahi taua
Me and you need to work
Kote kopu(raua)
1.E takaro ana raua
They are playing
2.E mahi ana raua
They are working
3.ko hemi raua ko moveen oku matua
Hemi and moveen my parents
4. Ko Te rairangi me hokianga oku taena
Te rairangi and hokianga are my siblinngs
Kote kupu(kaurua)
- E takaro ana kaurua
Are you two playing
2.E mahi ana kaurua
Are you two working
3.E awhi ana kaurua
Are you two helping
Kote kupu(matau)
1.E haere ana matau kite taone
We are going to town
2.E takaro ana matau
We are playing
3.E awhi ana matau
We are helping
Kote kupu(ratau)
- Titiro kia ratau
Look at them
2. E tarawa ana ratau
They are diveing
3.E takaro ana ratau
They are playing
Kote kupu(koutau)
1.E haere ana koutau kite toa
Are you’s going to the shop
2. E haere koutau kite marae
Are you’s going to the marae
3. E panui pukapuka ana koutau
Are you;s reading book’s
Kote kupu(tatou)
1.E pupuri ana tatou
We are holding on
2.E oma ana tatou
We are running
3.E takaro ana tatou
We are plaing
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