
Friday, July 7, 2017

Going to whangarei

Yesterday, we went to Whangarei because we won our class ‘attendance competition’. We won by a slim margin of about 1.7% and the score we got was 89.1 and in second was 88.6%. When we traveled down i had a headache and i felt like wanted to spew up. When we got to the Whangarei pool’s the Highbrow slide was shut and then they opened up the bombing spot and then they shut that and then opened the highgrow slide and then everybody just rushed up to go on first. After that we went to the Pizza place and the Park and everybody climbed up the big blue Spider web and then it was fun because everybody was jumping off and then after that we had Pizza and some fizzy drinks and we got told not to  go on the spinning stuff otherwise you had to walk home. When we were going home we had to go the Awarua way because if we didn't we wouldn’t have been able to get catch the buses in time. I felt happy because we went to Whangarei and because we won the competition.

Inanahi, ka haere matou ki Whangarei no te mea i he matou he whakataetae, a riro matou kia 1.7%, me te kaute ka matou i 89,1 me i te rua i 88,6%. A, no te haere matou ki raro i i te ānini, a ua i rite hiahia ki te ruakina ake. A, no te ka matou ki te o te poka wai Whangarei i tutaki te kiriata Highgrow a ka


  1. Hi Tuishaly, I liked your writing and how you used punctuation and at the end I liked how you the Maori version of it at the end.

  2. Hi Tuishaly,
    I really like the way you told us about you winning the competition and the way you told us about you going to Whangarei pool, I also like the way you told us what happened to the pool. Maybe next time you could check punctuation and maybe next you could use another word for (and then ). In any case your work is really good and I loved it...


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