
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Number work.

W.a.l.t  Know the different ways we Represent Numbers.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

I will Round you in to a house

This is my Rounding  D.L.O I have Been learning to rounding in 10,100.1000, and a whole number BY Tuishaly & zephaniah & waaka .

Friday, August 11, 2017

If you Love math check This out By Tuishaly & Yvette

Last week I was learning about how important it is to read instructions properly and to look at the key in graphs.

Here are a few problems I worked on. It is important that I look at the key because it tells you how much it is like a whole is 6, half is 3 and 2 is a quater.

                  Money Made at the Garage Sale
Key: =  $ 6, = $ 3 & = $ 2

How much money was made on Tuesday?  We went  like this  6x4=24 and then i add the 3 to make 27 so that how much there are on tuesday.
How much more money was made on Wednesday? for this one we went like this 2x3=6.

How much more money was made on Monday than Thursday? 30-18= 12 so the answer is 12.  

Friday, July 7, 2017

Te reo maori,with whaea Chanella


Inanahi, i haere mātou ko Kura rāua ko Kōhatu ki a Whaea Chanella. Mō te reo Māori, te pānui, me te tuhituhi. He tino rawe i ngā wā ka haere mātou ki whaea Chanella. I muri ngā wā me. Whaea Chanella, ka haere mātou ki te karahe me te ako e tetahi mea hau. he tino rawe i ngā wā. Ka ako mātou i ngā mea hou nā te mea he rawe katahika. Ringi te pere ka pauri ahau na te mea i hiahia ana ahau ki ako ano. E ngari he pai na te mea i mate kai ahau i haere ahau ki tōku pahi ki te tiki ōku kai ti tōku potai. Ka haere ahau ki te noho katahika tatari ahau mō te wā ka haere mātou ka haere mātou. Ki te tākaro me ngā taputapu o te kura ka tākaro ahau i te paoro me oku hoa mō te tahi wa poto, e ngari he pai terā wā poto tino rawe hoki na te mea he pai.

I nga rā whakatā i haere mātou ki te pāmu. I te pāmu i  takaro ahau ki runga i te motopaiki, ko te tai ote motopaiki ko te pango me te kowhai ko te motopaiki i tarawa ahau ko te kowhai i tarawa tōku pāpā i te motopaiki pango. Ko tōku mama me tōku teina i tātari ki te pamu i te wa i haere ahau me tōku pāpā ki te awa he tino pai kite awa i hii tuna māua ko tōku pāpā katahi ka hoki māua ki te pāmu i hōpu māua ko tōku pāpā rima ngā tuna he tino nui ngā tuna. I kata tōku māmā. He iti ngā tuna katahi ka katakata mātou mō te iti ō ngā tuna, katahi ka tunu mātou i te tuna ka kai mātou ko tōku whānau i te tuna i muri terā i haere ahau kite horoi tōku tinana i muri te horoi tinana ka haere ahau kite parahe niho i muri te parahe niho i haere ahau ki te mātakitaki i te pouaka whakāta. I muri i te matakitaki pouaka whakāta i haere ahau ki te moe. I te wā i haere ahau ki te moe i tāimai te tahi motoka tiramarama ngā raiti ki  runga te motoka, ka māma tōku kanohi ka ara ahau. I puta tōku nana e aha ana koe. I haere mai ahau ki te moe ki kōnei e ngari i puta tōku tuakana i kanikani ahau, i oma ahau ki waho i te wa, i puta tōku tuakana, i peke ahau ki runga tōku tuakana. I haere mai tōku tuakana me tōku nana.

Going to whangarei

Yesterday, we went to Whangarei because we won our class ‘attendance competition’. We won by a slim margin of about 1.7% and the score we got was 89.1 and in second was 88.6%. When we traveled down i had a headache and i felt like wanted to spew up. When we got to the Whangarei pool’s the Highbrow slide was shut and then they opened up the bombing spot and then they shut that and then opened the highgrow slide and then everybody just rushed up to go on first. After that we went to the Pizza place and the Park and everybody climbed up the big blue Spider web and then it was fun because everybody was jumping off and then after that we had Pizza and some fizzy drinks and we got told not to  go on the spinning stuff otherwise you had to walk home. When we were going home we had to go the Awarua way because if we didn't we wouldn’t have been able to get catch the buses in time. I felt happy because we went to Whangarei and because we won the competition.

Inanahi, ka haere matou ki Whangarei no te mea i he matou he whakataetae, a riro matou kia 1.7%, me te kaute ka matou i 89,1 me i te rua i 88,6%. A, no te haere matou ki raro i i te ānini, a ua i rite hiahia ki te ruakina ake. A, no te ka matou ki te o te poka wai Whangarei i tutaki te kiriata Highgrow a ka

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Te Hokowhi tu atu

can I afford it?

Here is my Speech

Tena ra koutou katoa
Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko te Raparapa te awa
Ko Matawaia te marae
Ko Te Kau-i-mua te hapu
Ko Ngapuhi te iwi
Ko Tuishaly ahau

Ko te putake o taku korero ko te ako ki te panui pukapuka.

I was like global girl, I couldn't read until a man and a lady asked ” Can I take Tuishaly for a while?” and I thought ‘Oh man, I’m in trouble!’ I was shaking and I felt scared! I walked as fast as I could, my heart pounding, my thoughts were all over the place.

E mihi ana te tangata ki ahau.

“Tena koe, ko Eric taku ingoa. E kii ana ahau ae.”

“Kia ora, ko Tuishaly toku ingoa.”

Tino tea ahau.  Kore ahau e mohio te take e pa ana ki enei o nga tokorua.
Kore roa ka huri nga  tokorua ki te awhina kite tautoko ahau kite ako kite panui pukapuka.
Ka ao te marama, ki oku nei whakaro e tino hoha tenei mahi nate mea  kore ahau e hiahia ki te noho ki te whakarongo, engari na te mea e tino pai ana ta raua ahuatanga  e tino pai ana ahau kite noho ki te whakarongo, engari inaianei, ka haere tonu ahau ki te ako ki te whakarongo ki te panui pukapuka. Nga mihi ki nga tokorua a Eric raua ko Tania mo ona awhina mo ona tautoko ki ahau.

No reira kia u mai  e koutou ma ki te  te ako mo te panui pukapuka.
No reira, tena koutou (x3) katoa..

Kia ora, ko Tuishaly toku ingoa.
Thank you for listening to my speech.

Should we De-extinct The moa

Do you want to lean how to make a Manutukutuku wow look here

Monday, July 3, 2017

Kuri mete ngaro

  1. kite saw (to see)
2. taringa ears
3. tino pouri very sad
4. kanohi eye
5. potopoto noa quite sort
6. waewae leg
7. takoto ana lying
8. taha beside
9. whare house
10. ngaungau ana chewing
11. wheua   bone
12. tawhito old
13. ngaro fly (insect)
14. ka noho landed
15. waero tail
16. hiki lift up
17. tuara back
18. patu hit      
19. māhunga head
20. raku scratch
21. mutu finish
22. nekeneke move about
23. pai good, comfortable
24. karu eye
25. kemokemo blinking
26. hiamoe sleepy
27. taringa ear
28. ruirui shake, ruffle

29. kahore did not

Friday, June 9, 2017

Here are some ideas for your garden. tick it out

WHY? FACTS To improve your soil 300.00.00* 1000 millon’s of food is getting wasted EVERY year New Zealanders throw away 122,547 tonnes of food a YEAR ( that is 122,547* 1000 kilograms When organic waste like food or plants starts to break down in the landfill a polluted liquid is produced called LEACHATE. That is often toxic. Organic waste in a landfill also produces methane gas. Methane is greenhouse gas that cause global warming We can compost anything if it can biodegrader- ( rot) we call that Organic waste. BROWNS+GREEN+AIR+WATER= COMPOST DECOMPOSERS If you put paper in our garden the plants will grow slow but if you put cardboard then the plants will grow faster Worm farm Composting bin Moakshi Never waste food. 1.3 billion and tons of food gets wasted. New zealand throw away 122,547 tonnes of food a year. (that is 122,547 x 1000 kilograms. That is 213 jumbo jets of food that has to go somewhere to rot. Instead of being eaten. All of this food is worth about 5872 million each year. Nearly half of your rubbish is usually organic waste…. Our rubbish gets buried in a landfill. This is a big hole in the ground, so if we put our food in the bin this is where it ends up. When organic waste like food or plants starts to break down in the landfill a polluted liquid is produced called LEACHATE. This is often toxic. Organic waste in a landfill also produces methane gas. Methane is a greenhouse gas that cause global warming. We can compost anything if it can biodegrade - (rot) We call this organic waste. Compost brown + green + air + water = compost. In autumn when the leaves are on the tree they fall of on autumn and then it drops these worms and stuff in the ground and then the worms and stuff eat them and make it rot. Carbons ‘’browns’’ - dry stuff Types of compost. Worms have 5 hearts Fertilising the layer. And after that it will be attached to.Two or three weeks. The worms like manure and fruit. The worms like vegetables. The worms like food scapes. The worm HATE- Chllies Garlice Lemons Oranges Onions Glossy paper Why compost? Reduce your rubbish and save money. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions Make great soil for your gardens. All excellent reason to compost. When

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Awhea te haerenga

Te Haerenga ki Whangarei People greeting one another.. Putake Korero E mihi ana a Tuishaly raua ko Tumanako ki a Kura Tuishaly Tena koe Kura Tumanako: E pehea ana koe? Kura: Tino hari ahau Tumanako: Aw ae, tino toa to koutou nei tima ne? Kura: Ka tino toa ta matou nei tiima i te kemu Rippa Ka haere ta matou tiima ki Whangarei. Tuishaly: Ahea to koutou nei haerenga ki Whangarei? Kura: A tera wiki a te Rapare Tumanako: E aha ana koutou ki Whangarei? Kura: E, haere ana matou ki te matakitaki te pikitia ara ko te ingoa ko Madeas Big Happy Family. Tumanako: O ne ra! Ka pai tera Tuishaly: E aha ana koutou a muri atu o te pikitia? Kura: E haere ana matou ki te puna wai ki te kaukau Tumanako: O tino humarie ana koutou Kura: A muri o tena ka haere matou ki te kai nga kai tino reka Tuishaly: He aha nga kai tino reka? Kura: O, ko MACKAS me te KFC, KING WAH ara ko te JIMMY JACK'S! Tumanako: Tino nui atu to koutou putea? Tuishaly: Ka mau te wehi.


My poha


Return to the moa


Tena ra koutou katoa Ko Hikurangi te maunga Ko te Raparapa te awa Ko Matawaia te marae Ko Te Kau-i-mua te hapu Ko Ngapuhi te iwi Ko Tuishaly ahau Ko te putake o taku korero ko te ako ki te

panui pukapuka. I was like global girl, I couldn't read until a man and a lady asked ” Can I take

Tuishaly for a while?” and I thought ‘Oh man, I’m in trouble!’ I was shaking and I felt scared! I walked as fast as I could, my heart pounding, my thoughts were all over the place. E mihi ana te tangata ki ahau. “Tena koe, ko Eric taku ingoa. E kii ana ahau ae.” “Kia ora, ko Tuishaly toku ingoa.” Tino tea ahau. Kore ahau e mohio te take e pa ana ki enei o nga tokorua. Kore roa ka huri nga tokorua ki te awhina kite tautoko ahau kite ako kite panui pukapuka. Ka ao te marama, ki oku nei whakaro e tino hoha tenei mahi nate mea kore ahau e hiahia ki te noho ki te whakarongo, engari na te mea e tino pai ana ta raua ahuatanga e tino pai ana ahau kite noho ki te whakarongo, engari inaianei, ka haere tonu ahau ki te ako ki te whakarongo ki te panui pukapuka. Nga mihi ki nga tokorua a Eric raua ko Tania mo ona awhina mo ona tautoko ki ahau. No reira kia u mai e koutou ma ki te te ako mo te panui pukapuka. No reira, tena koutou (x3) katoa.. Kia ora, ko Tuishaly toku ingoa. Thank you for listening to my speech.

BY Tuishaly

Thursday, May 18, 2017

This is my book review.

This week we have been reading a book.
The name of the story is called Best mates.

This part that I read was was about a dream that
this boy mana had a little brother called Haki.
That what his name was in his dream.
They had a game of touch footy game.
The score was 12 - all. His dad was playing on the
Other team.He woke up in the morning and went to
See if his dad had kept his shoes that he grew up in.
That was the end of the story.

May 18, 2017 11:57:07 AM.jpg

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Te ika a maui

Storyboard - Rerenga Korero

Firstly: Scrolling title of ‘Te Karere o Tautoro’

Scene 1 :Takes place in the studio
Tuishaly is sitting at her desk
Talking about an incident reported to the police in Kaikohe.
Meanwhile Kohatu is on the scene with “the reported culprit Maui”.

Tuishaly: Kia ora,
Nau mai haere mai ki Te karere o Tautoro.
He wa miharo ki a tatou.
I te ata nei ka tae te waea ki nga pirihimana i Kaikohe,
na te mea i kite mai ko tetahi tangata e huna ana ki roto i tetahi waka.
E taa te ripoata ko te tangata nanakia ko Maui.
Inaianei e korero ana ta matou kai ripoata a Kohatu ki te nanakia.
Ka huri atu ki a koe e Kohatu.

  • Kohatu and Maui are in the boat

Kohatu: Kia ora Tuishaly. Ae e tikaana he tangata nanakia e huna anat
i te waka nei, engari ma u te wa e Maui. Korerohia to take e pa ana ki
tenei wa..

Maui/Kura:  Aue, taukiri e Kia ora Kohatu. E tino hoha ana au ki te kite oku nei tuakana e haere ana ki te hii ika, ia ra, ia ra..
Iaianeina ko ahau te tangata rongonui.
Kohatu: Rongonui mo te aha?
Maui/Kura: Mo tenei

  • Maui then pulls up the ika

  • Kohatu is overexcited at what he is seeing

Kohatu: E kite mai ana koutou ki tenei.? 6
He wa tino miharo tenei! “he wa tino miharo tenei e koutou ma!”.
Whuuu,  e kite mai ana koutou ki tenei ika tino miharo.

Ko ahau te tangata!
Tuturu whakamaua kia tina!
Haumi e, Hui e...Taiki e

Kohatu: fuuu, ae, ko koe te tangata e Maui!
Ka hoki atu ki a koe e Tuishaly.

Final Scene
Back to the studio.
Tuishaly is sitting at her desk covered with seaweed and what looks like fish on her head she then has the final korero.

Kia ora e hoa e Kohatu
Paekare e Maui, he tangata tino nanakia!
No reira, e koutou ma, noho ora mai
ki o koutou nei kainga maha.
A te wa, ka hoki mai ano .
Tahi, rua, toru, wha...Miharo Tautoro

  • Camera fades out into final credits